(Answer) (Category) 1st Class GradeBook Support : (Category) Operating 1st Class GradeBook - How do I ... ? :
How do I start a new term?
A new term can be started by choosing "New Term" from the "Term" menu. This will create a database exactly like the one currently open except it will not have any of the activities/grades in it. After the new term's database has been created you will be prompted "Import Averages/Grades from the previous term now?" 1st Class Gradebook is now giving you the option to bring in the final averages from the previous term into the new term database just created. If you choose yes a new category (activity type) will be created on the class screen and a new activity will be created in the activity screen. This new category and activity will be used to hold the final average grades from the previous term. This will allow you to print reports showing all their current term grades along with their last term's final average. If you want to print reports without the previous term's final average you can set the category weighting (activity type weighting) in the CLASS screen to 0.
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